It is human nature to join groups. As soon as people have the opportunity to choose between groups, the same or similar beliefs, values and motivations are the deciding factor as to which group a person wants to belong to.
In order to be able to compare the available groups, the individual must be able to see which beliefs, values and motives a group embodies. If these are not clearly recognizable to the individual, the attraction of the group is automatically reduced. The person looks for another group.
The same scenario not only applies to affiliation, but also automatically comes into play when choosing a consumer good. As soon as a person has the opportunity to choose between consumer goods, beliefs and values with which the person can identify play a decisive role in consumption.
From the Group's perspective, this means
Die Transparenz ihrer einzigartigen Glaubensansätze, Werte und Beweggründe ist für die Gruppe wichtig, um von Gleichgesinnten (Kunden, Partnern, allg. Stakeholdern) gefunden zu werden.
In order to apply group theories to organizations, the first step is to clarify what connects groups and organizations. According to J.S. Coleman, an organization is a social structure "that arises from the planned and goal-oriented cooperation of people, that distinguishes itself from its environment and - as a corporate actor - can interact with other actors". The group is also a social structure that works together in a goal-oriented manner, according to its values and motives. Various forms of groups can be subsumed under organization. Associations, institutions, federations and collaboration centers that pursue planned goals are therefore organizations.
From the perspective of the organization, this means
Die Transparenz ihrer einzigartigen Glaubensansätze, Werte und Beweggründe ist für die Organisation zentral, um von Gleichgesinnten (Kunden, Partnern, allg. Stakeholder) gefunden zu werden.
When internal or external interaction in organizations no longer runs smoothly, it is en vogue to raise the question of one's own values. A few meaningless, generally valid, socially acceptable values are then quickly pulled out of a hat, which the members of the organization, usually called employees, then have to learn by heart. The farce of this approach is obvious.
Kein Gleichgesinnter, weder Kunde, Partner noch Mitarbeitender wählt seine Gruppe anhand von nichts-sagenden, allgemein-gültigen oder gesellschafts-fähigen Glaubensansätzen, Werten oder Beweggründen.
That is why it is so important for every form of organization to know, preserve and present the unique beliefs, values and motivations that have arisen from within.